omnichannel customer journey

WhatsApp for business: the key to effective customer care
April 12
Customer service is now an indispensable service for companies, whether they are in sales, manufacturing or public administration. Any business that interfaces with end users will need customer service, more or less structured. Today's consumers are […]
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Chat with Artificial Intelligence: the seamless integration of human support and technology
April 9
The everyday life of an average user today is a hybrid of multichannel experiences: we search online for a product, we buy it on a site, we receive a confirmation of the purchase by e-mail or […]
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Explainability in AI: understanding artificial intelligence to improve customer care
March 21
Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in customer interactions, but it is important for companies to be able to explain the decisions made by their systems, to give greater transparency to a world, in some cases, […]
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IVR Optimization: Improving customer care efficiency with XCALLY for a personalized experience
March 18
In an ever-changing business landscape, delivering exceptional customer care is critical to maintaining a competitive advantage. A key aspect of optimizing customer interactions is the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems.. In this article, we will delve […]
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Omnichannel engagement: the strategy to win and retain customers
March 12
Nowadays, average users expect the ability to take advantage of customer care services that are as continuous and personalized as possible. Omnichannel engagement has emerged as the solution to meet these expectations, ensuring a smooth and […]
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Optimizing the customer experience with a customer experience management software
March 4
Today, more than ever, companies must place at the center of their strategy the customer experience. Only by thoroughly understanding the needs and preferences of your customers can you hope to retain them and make them […]
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