Security is a crucial issue for any business, especially when handling large volumes of sensitive data. Modern contact centers collect an increasing amount of valuable information through channels such as calls, chats, emails and social media. Properly protecting this data is therefore critical.

The importance of contact center security

As we said, contact centers today handle a large amount of data, including often personal and financial information of customers. Therefore, it becomes essential to implement strict security measures to prevent breaches and ensure privacy. Any flaws in data protection can have disastrous consequences, including loss of customers, reputational damage, and large fines.

The most common risks to a contact center

But what are the "dangers" a customer care service may face when dealing with sensitive data?

  • Data breach caused by cyber attacks
  • Unauthorized access to private information
  • Interception of data and confidential conversations between operators and users
  • Violation of privacy regulations
  • Accidental destruction of critical databases

How, then, can you manage information while ensuring security and confidentiality for your clients?

XCALLY's contact center security

XCALLYis fully familiar with such issues. For this, it integrates the most advanced cybersecurity solutions underpinning its contact center platform.

Cutting-edge technologies

The XCALLY suite employs 256-bit AES encryption algorithms to encrypt conversations and information exchanged. L'multi-factor authentication and single sign-on protect access, and proactive checks are also performed to identify and block potential threats.

Secure data centers

Data are stored in Tier III data centers with ISO 27001 certifications. Only authorized personnel are allowed access. Redundant facilities ensure business continuity. Servers are located in certified data centers with biometric access controls, video surveillance, and fire suppression systems.

Real-time monitoring

The security team constantly monitors the platform to identify and block potential threats.

Backup and disaster recovery

Data are regularly backed up and replicated geographically to ensure their integrity.

Continuing Education

XCALLY staff receive regular training on security best practices, as well as periodic testing on company policies. This ensures that each employee correctly applies protective measures.

Compliance with regulations

XCALLY adheres to global security and privacy standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA and PCI DSS.

Why Choose XCALLY

By choosing XCALLY you have the assurance that your customer data and sensitive business information is handled with the utmost care.

XCALLY makes security a top priority for your peace of mind.

Click below to request a demo and touch on XCALLY's commitment to your contact center security.